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U S Grant - War College to President

West Point

Political foes would point to his academic position in "The Long Gray Line"..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
Battle and victory earned his place at the front: Commander-in-Chief

Mexican-American War

As Quartermaster the newly minted officer impressed his superiors..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
Of whom many he would face as foes of a different Army

Civil War

St. Louis and the rivers were key to holding the western front..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
Where those early battles made clear that winning meant total defeat of the South

Commanding General

Presidential judgement proved right in the end..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
Costing much to a nation still thankful for sacrificing to keep The United States

Original Republican

Republicans and their party would not have survived without victory..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
Lasting but one presidency only to die with Emancipation

Eighteenth President

Peace was upon the mourning nation..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
As the division remained so it does today: North and South

Grant's Tomb

Resting in a place as big as the man himself..

army cadets at attention wearing full dress and holding rifles upright, bayonets afixed and at the ready
General Grant National Memorial W 122nd Street and Riverside Drive New York, NY